Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma consists of two elements: plasma, or the liquid portion of blood, and platelets, a type of blood cell that plays an important role in healing throughout the body. Platelets are well-known for their clotting abilities, but they also contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area. Platelet-rich plasma is simply blood that contains more platelets than normal.

PRP treatment can help support wound healing in trauma and joint injury. The technique can address pattern baldness, stimulate the growth of hair transplants and enhance other cosmetic procedures.

The results of PRP treatment are most noticeable after several weeks for joint injections and six months for scalp injections, and are not permanent; patients may require additional injections.

Because the treatments use a patient’s own tissues, PRP injections are safe and can be administered alone or used in conjunction with other procedures.

Platelet-Rich Fibrin(PRF)

PRF is a natural biomaterial derived from a patient’s own blood. It is used in various medical and dental procedures to promote healing and tissue regeneration.

PRF is a concentrate of platelets, white blood cells, and fibrin. Unlike Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), PRF contains a higher concentration of growth factors and does not require any additives like anticoagulants.

In aesthetics, PRF is used in facial rejuvenation treatments to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture and tone.

Advantages of PRF

- Autologous: Since PRF is derived from the patient’s own blood, the risk of allergic reactions or disease transmission is minimal.

- Growth Factors: It contains high concentrations of growth factors that promote healing and tissue regeneration.

- Natural and Long-Lasting: PRF provides a more sustained release of growth factors compared to PRP, leading to better long-term results.